Make a PVC Marshmallow Shooter!
Make your own PVC Marshmallow Shooter with Maker Camp Leader Sandy Roberts! Everyone is delighted by the weird physics of the Marshmallow Shooter. You load the mini marshmallow at the mouthpiece, and then blow sharply. Surprisingly, the marshmallow follows the curves inside the shooter and finds its way out the end of the barrel, no matter how crazy a shooter you build!
Watch the video premier then attend the LIVE Q&A on the Family Maker Camp FB page or on the Make: Youtube channel.
Materials list:
- 2 feet of ½-inch internal diameter Schedule
- 40 PVC
- 2½-inch PVC 90-degree turns
- 2½-inch PVC caps
- 2½-inch PVC tees
- Hacksaw or PVC cutter
- Sandpaper
- Measuring tape
- Marker
- Spray paint or color duct tape
- Mini-marshmallows
- Goggles
- Additional PVC and PVC parts as desired
Get more project ideas from Sandy’s book: The Big Book of Maker Camp Projects
Check out the Kaleidoscope Enrichment site: www.kaleidoscopeenrichment.com
Follow Sandy and find projects on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopeenrichment/