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July 2020
Scrappy Circuits! – Operation Game Brick
Operation Game Brick The teaching and learning of invention literacy is often locked behind many pre-requisite skills and expensive STEM toys. Scrappy Circuits breaks down these barriers to learning to invent through using a modular system of bricks build by the learner and sourced for commonly found objects. In this session, they will build off the battery and buzzer bricks and create an Operation Brick. WATCH LIVE on the Family Maker Camp Facebook page or on the Kids Make: Youtube…
Find out more »Light Up Origami with Kathy Ceceri and Sandy Roberts
Light Up Origami Workshop Authors Kathy Ceceri and Sandy Roberts are teaming up for an all-new Maker Camp workshop! Ancient paper folding meets cutting edge tech as we create light-up bugs, a hopping light-up frog, and more. This is a fun, hands-on way to build skills and learn about circuits. Watch and make LIVE on the Family Maker Camp FB page or on the Make: Kids Youtube channel. Materials list: origami paper (or regular paper and scissors) 5mm LEDs 3V…
Find out more »Tinkering at Home with the Exploratorium – Cranky Contraptions
Cranky Contraptions Cranky Contraptions are homemade kinetic toys that produce a variety of motions (up and down, side to side, and more) by turning a wire "crank." Learners use everyday materials to tinker with ideas about storytelling and mechanical motion and bring whimsical creations to life! During this one hour workshop, we will make cranky contraptions together! Gather your materials and ideas ahead of time. Get inspiration from others as we build. Share your creations during the session and online…
Find out more »Scrappy Circuits Clothespin Switch
Clothespin Switch Brick In many ways this brick is the opposite of the Push Switch. The Push Switch turns on by being pressed. The Clothespin Switch turns off by being pressed. When you’re not touching the Clothespin Switch it rests in the on position. If something is pushing on the switch, or inside the mouth, it will be off until that object is removed. This switch can easily be turned into a trip wire switch. Cut a piece of cardboard…
Find out more »Brown Dog Gadgets – Dark Detecting Transistor Circuit
Dark Detecting Transistor Circuit Found often in solar garden lights that only turn on when it gets dark, this circuit is surprisingly simple. Follow along gto make one yourself. Materials Needed: 1/4" Maker Tape 2N3904 NPN Transistor 1000 Ohm Resistor Light Dependent Resistor CR2032 Battery Jumbo 10mm Diffused LED Printable Template Scissors Written instructions for this project can be found here. WATCH LIVE on the Family Maker Camp Facebook page or on the Kids Make: Youtube channel. Brown Dog Gadgets…
Find out more »Scrappy Circuits – Connector and Tester Bricks
Connector and Two Clip Testers Bricks The teaching and learning of invention literacy is often locked behind many pre-requisite skills and expensive STEM toys. Scrappy Circuits breaks down these barriers to learning to invent through using a modular system of bricks build by the learner and sourced for commonly found objects. This week we will be making the Connector Brick. The connector brick helps you to connect components to your scrappy circuits. Get your core bricks ready - previous sessions…
Find out more »Microsoft MakeCode Arcade
Join the Microsoft MakeCode Team as they take you through tutorials and projects you can do at home! Watch and make LIVE on the Family Maker Camp FB page or on the Make: Kids Youtube channel. Learn more about MakeCode at makecode.com and on twitter/makecode.
Find out more »August 2020
Fun with the Circuit Blox-120 Kit by E-Blox
Fun with E-Blox Circuit Blox-120 Kit Join Jim Seymour to learn basic circuitry using the Circuit Blox 120 Kit by E-Blox. Get your Circuit Blox 120 Kit and follow along. In this session we will: build a Motor/Fan Launching circuit & learn about motors and lift build a Sound Machine & learn about integrated circuits build a FM radio & learn how FM radio works watch a Circuit Blox Cityscape master build Watch the live video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjSAzEPvto8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNnGEkKE6Yk <!--Watch…
Find out more »Build with the Make: Origami Paper Circuits Kit
Make: Origami Paper Circuits Kit - Bring your paper crafts to life! Pair crafting with circuits for more light-up origami fun! We'll make a glowing paper balloon, a wild blinking ninja star, and an adorable Ladybug Bot that will buzz around your worktable. Join us and build your origami skills, learn about electricity, and make something fun with Sandy Roberts and the Make: Origami Paper Circuits Kit. Combine simple electronics with the centuries-old Japanese paper craft art of Origami. By…
Find out more »Scrappy Circuits- Scrappy Power Sources
Alternative Power Bricks The main power source of Scrappy Circuits is the 3V battery. In this session we will show three alternative power source. Voltaic Pile Piezoelectric Power Servo Motor These alternatives are not better, in fact they are worse. They will only give you small bursts of varying amounts of electricity. They are included because they are cooler. It is an awesome feeling to root through your house and then make electricity from the items you find. They are…
Find out more »Make a Blinking Bow-Tie with TechnoChic
Make a tech project that you can wear! Get your hands on building a simple circuit project that makes a blinking Hair Bow or Bow-Tie. You'll customize the design, fold the 3D shape, connect the circuit, and wear your light-up creation! Materials: DIY Light Up Blinky Bow Ties Kit Clear Scotch Tape Each DIY Light Up Blinky Bow Tie Kit includes. 2 or 10 Bow Tie shapes with assorted foil designs 2 or 10 LED's 2 or 10 Batteries 2…
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